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The pH of cleaning products determines their use

Welcome one more day to the Dermo blog, as you already know, our brand offers you a wide range of cleaning products for all types of materials and surfaces, but have you stopped to think about the differences between one and the other?

Among other factors such as the variation of some ingredient or the density, it is mainly the pH that makes us allocate the ingredients to one use or another. cleaning products. This value can be found in most cases on the label.

What is pH and why does it matter?

pH is the measure that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, in this case of the cleaning productsThis value is always between 0 and 14, with 0.1 being the highest acidity and 14 being the highest alkalinity.

The cleaning products With an acidic pH ranging from 0 to 4, they are the most suitable for cleaning the bathroom as they easily remove inorganic dirt, such as scale, lime or rust. cleaning products The most common are toilet descalers, limescale removers and general bathroom and shower cleaners.

In the central strip, from 5 to 9, we find the products of neutral pH. Therefore, the cleaning productsCleaners that have this characteristic will be respectful of the materials and will not damage the surface on which they are used. This type of pH is suitable for removing medium and light dirt, or for example beverage residues, especially indicated for caring for parquet, flooring and wood in general. Or for waxed surfaces, since they clean without removing this protective layer. For these cases we can use cleaning products such as hand soaps, white floor cleaners, waxes and wax maintainers.

The cleaning products with Alkaline pH, are those that are in the range of 10 to 14. These are usually the ones we use for cleaning of organic substances, such as cooking, which is usually the one that presents strong and medium fats or aged waxes. products These substances are usually removed using degreasers, general cleaners and bleaches.

As you have seen, the importance of the pH of everything product It is important. Especially that of the cleaning products, since the wrong choice of one of them with the wrong surface could result in irreparable damage to the elements of our home, damaging or removing layers or materials that we had no intention of modifying.

Therefore, although each manufacturer usually indicates the use for which the product is suitable, product, doubts may arise, so it is worth looking at the pH indicated on the label.