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Main personal hygiene habits

Although all people usually take care of our hygiene staff daily, there are a series of habits that are really important not to neglect even for a single day, and that therefore, should be part of our daily routine. These habits hygiene staff They are essential to prevent diseases, avoid transmitting them and keep the outside of our body clean.

However, we must bear in mind that the hygiene staff Cleaning is good in its right measure, that is, we must have some habits but never obsess over them, since excessive cleaning can also be harmful to our health. For this reason, establishing a routine with some habits of hygiene staff defined will help us achieve the correct cleaning.

The 5 most important habits

    • Washing our hands: this is one of the habits ofstaff We should always keep this in mind, since the main source of contracting and spreading diseases are our hands. We should do this habit daily and at various times throughout the day, including after touching an animal, before, during and after cooking or after touching garbage. Although the most normal thing is to wash them with soap and water, if we do not have that possibility, we can always resort to disinfectants, which are perfect to carry around all day.
    • Clean and hydrated skin: in order to maintain a good hygiene Body care: Adults should shower once a day, but always be mindful of the products they use, because if they contain a lot of chemicals and we shower more than once a day we can end up damaging our skin and develop skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis.
    • Brushing our teeth correctly: the first thing people see when they look at us are our teeth, so it is the part of our body that most shows whether or not we take care of our teeth. hygiene staff. This habit is really important, because if we do not take care of our teeth we can suffer from cavities, tooth loss, bad breath, among other diseases.
    • Taking care of your feet: this habit of hygiene staff It is not usually very important for most people, but the truth is that it is essential to take care of our feet. To do this, we must wash them daily with soap and water, paying special attention to the area between the toes in order to wash them completely. To avoid the appearance of fungus, it is advisable not to walk barefoot in public places such as municipal swimming pools.
    • Clean clothes: even if we don't believe it, clothes are also part of our cleaning habits. hygiene staff, since it is like another layer of our skin, the outer one. Of course, in addition to changing our underwear daily, it is also advisable to change our clothes frequently, especially after showering.

These are the habits of hygiene staff most important things that we should take into account in our daily routine. Each person must adapt them to their needs and include more, if necessary, such as hygiene intimate or capillary.