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Front page » The importance of including a descaler when cleaning your shower

The importance of including a descaler when cleaning your shower

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Considering you obviously have a shower to get clean in, have you stopped to think about how clean your shower actually is? You may not think about it, but mineral deposits (limescale) and organic matter build up over time and block the holes in the spray plate, preventing water from flowing smoothly through the shower head.

Anything that comes into regular contact with hard water will inevitably produce limescale. And as limescale builds up, shower heads become blocked, affecting water flow and taking the shine out of your shower.

You often only notice this when you start having problems with your shower, such as reduced flow or temperature issues.

Not only does this have an adverse effect on the efficiency of your shower, but it's also disturbing to realise that there are health implications too. Being a hot, steamy environment, shower heads are the perfect breeding ground for mould, bacteria and other germs, especially if they aren't removed by blocked shower heads. Plus, if you haven't added a descaler to your shower cleaning routine, chances are that every time you wash it you will also get covered in it and therefore not get a clean like you should.

In addition, you will need to pay special attention if you are in hard water areas, where the water contains a higher concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, all of which have completely dissolved.

For this reason, it is really important to use a descaler in your shower cleaning routine.

What you need to know about descaling to clean your shower

Experts advise that you should clean your shower head thoroughly at least once a month, but regular weekly cleanings are the key to preventing limescale buildup in the first place. These processes should include the use of descaling.

In light of this, at Dremo we offer a variety of products descaling agents created to do their job with the least effort and time. You can remove all lime residue, keeping your shower cleaner for longer and extending its lifespan as much as possible.

In addition, our products do not damage the taps and chrome plating found, in order to provide maximum cleanliness without affecting the finishes.

At Dermo we make sure to provide the best quality and effectiveness with each of our products. That is why we work with the best experts and the best technologies to ensure that we provide you with the best options to keep spaces clean and safe.
