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Front page » Children at home: the reasons why you should include a virucide in your home cleaning

Children at home: the reasons why you should include a virucide in your home cleaning

A virucida It is the ideal product for cleaning and disinfecting a wide range of household surfaces and specifically attacking common pathogenic bacteria and viruses, ensuring that maximum levels of hygiene are achieved.

It is the perfect ally to keep a safe and clean home since it is an effective substance against viruses that helps prevent infections. In addition, by having a virucida As part of your home cleaning routine, bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and all types of dirt are also eliminated in a single, simple operation. For this reason, virucida Not only is it effective, but it helps make cleaning tasks easier and faster.

A virucida Can be used on washable, non-porous hard surfaces, appliance exteriors, bathroom fixtures, bathtubs, cabinets, cages, chairs, air conditioners, countertops, laminates, desks, doorknobs, floors, trash cans and drawers, chairs and furniture.

The task that a virucida is to destroy the viral nucleic acid. This is achieved by removing the viral envelope, denaturing or infectivity of viruses, resulting in the reduction or prevention of these. In conclusion, you will be able to create a safe space in your home thanks to virucida that inactivates viruses.

This is especially important when you have small children in your home. Often, with all the chores and needs of the baby, it is difficult to have time to do a deep cleaning of the house. However, when raising children, keeping the house clean should also be a priority. Younger children tend to be delicate and the condition of their home can affect their health. Children who are exposed to dust, mold, and bacteria are prone to contracting illnesses. In addition, young children like to crawl, touch surfaces, and put everything in their mouths.

This is why a virucida can help by allowing you to clean and disinfect your home in one operation, allowing you to maintain cleanliness for longer and achieve a healthier home. By including a virucida Regular home cleaning can help keep your home free of bacteria and viruses with little effort and without the need for a large amount of cleaning products.

We offer you the ideal virucide

At Dermo we offer a virucida ideal and safe for your family. DL 21 VIRICIDE is a product that works on all types of household objects and surfaces, including furniture. In addition, it is included in the list of authorized viricides of the Ministry of Health, so its efficacy and safety have been confirmed.

Count on Dermo to create a safe space for your family. We strive to provide you with the highest quality products.
