On several occasions we have been detailing in our blog, Dermo SA, the advantages and benefits of ecological detergents for our health and for the planet in general, thanks to the fact that its components contain ingredients that are not as harmful as those found in conventional detergents. Unlike these, the elements that make up the label of the product in question have a particular, effective feature against all the harm we are causing to the planet.
Today, to continue offering you the necessary advice so that our impact on this world is as little harmful as possible, we want to give you some keys that will help you find the detergents with the least polluting and biodegradable ingredients (ecological detergents), which make this possible.
Awareness is the first thing that should prevail in this aspect, for that reason, the advice that we present to you below in this new entry, from the hands of professionals Dermo SA., company and detergent factory specialized in covering two vital needs: cleaning and the hygiene.
They are used less and less among the detergents conventional, but you have to look at the label of those, even in the ecological detergents, which do not contain phosphates, phosphonates, or percarboxylates. The law requires that these ingredients be declared on the label when they constitute more than 0.2% of the total weight of the product.
It is also advisable to avoid the ingredients EDTA and NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid).
Mainly, we must give greater value to awareness detergents and soaps that we can find in organic product stores, or on the contrary, when they carry the seal that identifies them in the usual supermarket or, as in our case, if the factory so certifies. ecological detergents They do not contain phosphates, or very few, and replace these petroleum derivatives with vegetable oils such as palm or coconut.
To properly clean and wash white clothes, it is best to use detergents without bleach. Bleach is just another chemical component that we will find in detergents, with serious damage to its environmental impact, which, wonderfully, has allowed us to wash very dirty clothes, even in cold water. But once again, the consequences of this are paid by our health and the health of the planet.
We must be aware of what it means to make reasonable use of the ecological detergents. In Dermo SA., We have and ensure this commitment, therefore, our range of ecological detergents has been accredited with the meritorious hallmark to ensure and certify the guarantees of a natural and non-harmful product, at least, with a much lower impact than that of the detergents conventional.
We will continue to address this issue that should concern us all and strengthen the value of the ecological detergents, a product that can really be made and is much better for everyone, is not understood as the main leaders of the world, who have not yet given their approval for these to become the market leaders, to the detriment of commonly used detergents that make a dent in so many social spheres.