The quality of a restaurant does not depend exclusively on its products, but also on its cleanliness, especially in the kitchen. In the hospitality industry it is necessary to have a cleaning plan and disinfection, which ensure the proper functioning of the food hygiene. That's why in Dermo We want to introduce you to our line of disinfectant detergents, suitable for the food hygiene.
The disinfectant detergents of Dermo They are products with special registration of disinfectant and also HA record. The line of disinfectant detergents of Dermo, bactericides and fungicides with special registration for food hygiene, are tested and are highly effective on dirty surfaces, completely different from detergents disinfectants traditional, as they clean and disinfect in a single operation, making your work much easier and offering you the confidence of a disinfection safe, with a very short contact time. The disinfectant detergents of Dermo They are classified as: DL 21 ACIBAC, DL21 FUGNIBAC, and DL21 CLORBAC.
Disinfectant Detergent – DL 21 CLORBAC
High-power chlorinated alkaline cleaner disinfectant against proteins, fats, blood and organic remains in general. Specially formulated for use in cleaning and disinfection, for premises, warehouses, cold storage rooms, transport elements such as cutting, sausage, mixing or packaging machines. Cleans and disinfects highly contaminated surfaces and utensils in the Food Industry (dairy, brewing, meat industry, slaughterhouses, hospitality, etc.) and any other area of public and private life.)
Disinfectant Detergent – DL 21 FUNGIBAC
It has an alkaline pH and its active ingredient is didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC-7%), and has been tested as a bactericide and fungicide in dirty conditions. Its use is environmental, in the food industry, cleaning, disinfection and degreasing. DL 21 FUNGIBAC is a product with a high concentration of active ingredients, specially formulated for use in comprehensive cleaning and disinfection. For heavily contaminated surfaces and utensils in the food industry, hospitality, large communities and institutional surfaces and hygiene.
Disinfectant detergent – DL 21 ACIBAC
Containse acid pH, special for descaling both in places where there are lime remains, as well as for places where there are salt remains, after carrying out a continuous cleaning with alkaline products. The active ingredient of this disinfectant detergent It is Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC-5,6%) and is tested as a bactericide in dirty conditions. It has been formulated for use in comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, heavily contaminated surfaces and utensils in the food industry, hospitality, large communities and institutional surfaces and hygiene, where descaling of lime deposits produced by hard water is also required.