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Discover the range of detergents and fabric softeners in our detergent factory

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Today, from our detergent factory, we are going to give you the best tips for washing your towels and ensuring that they maintain a soft and delicate texture for longer.

Bet on professional cleaning products in our detergent factory

The first thing you should know is that towels should be washed once a week and separately, that is, do not mix them with clothes or other fabrics. In these times we are living, hygiene is vital, so from our detergent factory We recommend that each member of the family has their own towel, without sharing them, to avoid contagion as much as possible. If your towel goes to other places where there are more people, such as the pool or the gym, it is safest to wash the towel daily.

For washing, we recommend that you do so at a temperature of 60 degrees or more, to eliminate all bacteria, fungi or germs that may have accumulated using a detergent that contains active oxygen, because when it comes into contact with water it helps it penetrate better into the fabrics, eliminating germs and stains.

And to get that soft and fluffy texture on your towels, what you have to do is use half the detergent you use to wash your clothes, because the more detergent you use, the less soft your towels will be. Hot water also helps to achieve this effect, as well as fabric softeners. Fabric softeners are important to achieve this softness, but don't use them all the time, but it is advisable to use them every other day.

From our detergent factory We want you to take into account the importance of drying, since towels tend to accumulate a lot of moisture and this translates into germs and also into the loss of their natural texture if they are not dried correctly. In fact, the bad smells that they can sometimes give off are caused by excess moisture, so the best thing you can do is use the dryer or dry them in the sun, so that they are completely free of moisture. This will be important to maintain a soft and fluffy texture, but also to get cleaner towels free of germs.

If you are looking for an ideal fabric softener to achieve the greatest fluffiness in your towels, we recommend using professional detergents and fabric softeners, such as those we offer in our detergent factoryYou will find all kinds of professional options to make your towels regain the softness and fluffiness of the fabric, keep them clean and fragrant for longer, dry more quickly and make ironing much easier.

Visit our website and discover everything we can offer you to take care of your towels and all types of fabrics in our laundry section.