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Ecological detergents, cleaning and sanitation

In the past, there were not as many problems with detergents as there are today. Given the limited resources they had, people made their own soaps and detergents at home using simple and inexpensive formulas that performed the same function with equal benefits. We are talking about tools for washing and washing clothes in the same way that we use them today in our modern homes. These prehistoric soaps, however, have been replaced by industrial detergents which, day by day, are composed of more aggressive substances and more irritating components that can cause problems that are harmful to our health: allergies, dermatitis, eczema... In short, cleaners (degreasers, disinfectants, detergents…) increasingly violent and toxic, whose components cause countless health problems.

In Dermo SA, company and detergent factory with extensive experience in the sector of cleaning and the hygiene, after more than 25 years ensuring that we offer our customers the best detergents, and essential accessories and complements to guarantee, precisely, the correct coverage of these needs; we are aware of the growing concern that is installed in each and every one of you in the face of the avalanche of cases where the dangerousness of the substances that make up today's soaps and detergents have caused havoc in society.

Therefore, as those responsible for ensuring this with the integrity that confers upon us and always demonstrating our faithful commitment to the health of the people who use our products; today from this new entry in our blog, we want to emphasize the importance of making use of ecological detergents, like the ones you can find in Dermo SA., within our range of products Naturgreen, which are made using non-toxic components to ensure the cleaning and the maintenance of your home, as well as your integrity. Because it is in our hands to prepare ecological detergents, and all kinds of non-harmful products that protect your health and the environment.

Ecological degreasing detergent Barcelona

Ecological detergents, liquid or powder, made with a vegetable base and without aromas that may contain fragrances, colorants, preservatives, enzymes, phosphates or petroleum derivatives. All of them exist on the market, although the popularity of certain brands and the lack of awareness by large corporations, and the high price given to these specific products; have made a dent in the choice of people who end up choosing the usual harmful detergent over the ecological detergents They do not contain chemicals and are suitable for multiple uses: washing clothes, air fresheners, floor cleaners, dish cleaners, etc.

It is important to use products and ecological detergents to clean our home, in the same way we must also try to raise awareness in those places and spaces with a lot of activity, where the protagonists are people with special needs, such as social centers where older people go, or schools where dirt is the order of the day; to guarantee the health of these people.

In our environment there are healthy alternatives for everyone thanks to these ecological detergents, and in Dermo SA We are consistent with this, and that is why we always keep our customers in mind first. In the end, although it may seem expensive, the most economical thing to do is to stop using conventional products that are highly toxic and look after our health and that of our loved ones, with these ecological detergentsWhat weighs more on our conscience, continuing to clean and harm their health, or guaranteeing that they can enjoy cleanliness and health at the same time?

There are several brands of products cleaning ecological, but logically, in Dermo SA. We recommend our line of detergents further ecological, Natugreen.