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Front page » How does sensory marketing influence your office and why use a long-lasting air freshener?

How does sensory marketing influence your office and why use a long-lasting air freshener?

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Have you heard of olfactory marketing? It consists of a marketing strategy that captures people's attention through aromas and fragrances. A very interesting technique, which is applied in a large number of stores and shops and which you can also use in your office. Using a long lasting air freshener, like the ones you can find at Dermo, you will catch the attention of all those people who come to visit you or meet you, creating a much more interesting feeling in them than if you do not use any characteristic aroma. Distributing the fragrance evenly is not always easy, but if you use a long lasting air freshener If you use it by spraying, you can do it easily and effectively. You only need to spray your office once a day, as the fragrance can stay intact throughout the day.

Thanks to the fragrance, the client who has met you in the office will remember that moment more clearly. This way, he is more likely to want to work with you and you are more likely to work together than if you do not arouse any feelings in him.

Sensory marketing is a way of capturing the customer, awakening their senses through a direct sensory impact, so that they associate your brand with that new experience, whether olfactory, visual, auditory... What you must achieve is that when using your long lasting air freshener, a positive association is achieved, linking that bond of well-being to your brand or business.

It is interesting to know that we remember the 35% of everything we smell, so if you choose well, your memory will remain present in the customer's mind. It is best to opt for natural aromas that represent the values of your brand or the personality of your company, without choosing options that are too strident, since instead of attracting customers, they can do the opposite.

How to eliminate bad odors in your business with a long-lasting air freshener?

Professional air freshening is one of the best ways to give your business a nice smell and will also help you get rid of bad smells. Ventilation and the use of a professional air freshener will help create a clean and pleasant atmosphere in your office.

We can find two large groups of air fresheners, those that work by spraying and those that work by nebulization, in addition to the systems that are manual.

In addition to creating a comfortable environment, choosing a good aroma will allow you to work better, concentrate more and be more productive, among many other advantages. Discover the best long lasting air freshener for your office in our catalogue.