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Front page » What effects do traditional detergents have on the environment?

What effects do traditional detergents have on the environment?

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Welcome to Dermo's blog, your specialized business in the manufacturing of all types of net toyage products for you. eco-friendly entertainment products. In this new article, we all address the reasons for the detergents Traditionnels are nocifs pour l'environnement et pourquoi il est indispensable que nous changes nos habitudes pour le préserver.

Tout d'abord il faut savoir que les entertainment products Traditionnels contain beautiful ingredients such as colourants, phosphates and perfumes that are toxic in the long term. D'autre part les eco-friendly entertainment products They are uniquely manufactured based on natural ingredients that are non-toxic and respectful of the environment.

Pour réduire la pollution de l'eau et respecter la fauna et la flore aquatique, il est essentiel de replacer l'utilisation de detergents content of chemical products eco-friendly entertainment products. De la même manière les entreprises et les industries devraient changer leurs habitudes de nettoyage. These nettoyage products are environmentally friendly and beneficial for our health and for the preservation of our electrical appliances as well as our interior.

Entertainment products and water pollution

From our days, all the particuliers, industries and commerces utilisent au quotidien des entertainment products traditional. These entertainment products non ecological Contains aggressive chemical products such as phosphates, toxins, plastic particles, etc. Ainsi lorsqu'un entertainment product non ecological enter into contact with the water, its composition changes that may indirectly favor the proliferation of some organisms.

This proliferation of algues conduit à leur décomposition, un processus qui implique une grande consommation d'oxygène, au détriment d'autres espèces aquatiques du même habitat, provoquant leur extinction.

In certain countries such as Germany, Norvege and Italy, the phosphates of entertainment products non ecological are interdits. More in Spain, more than 50 % des entertainment products commercialized containing phosphates.

De plus, nous utilisons ce type de entertainment products pour de multiple tâches, à l'extérieur as well as à l'intérieur. Our uses of entertainment products It contains chemical products for washing the language, drying it, washing the sun, nettoyer of industrial machines, cars, etc.

Currently, the commercialization of certains eco-friendly entertainment products susceptible to replacement parfaitement les produits d'entertien traditionnels se développe. They are capable of filling the mêmes fonctions de nettoyage sans être nocifs pour l'environnement, la fauna et la flora marines.