The laundry room is usually one of the forgotten areas of the house, just like the cleaning products. Considering that space is very limited in many cases, we tend to create clutter or fill the space with too many things.
Changes to better distribute space
The first thing you should do is take out everything you have in the laundry room and leave the space completely empty. Although it may seem crazy, it is the best way to know what you have, to throw away what is expired or no longer used.
Once you have the entire floor, cupboards and drawers clean, you should take a pen and paper to make a small sketch of how you want to organize your laundry room.
We make some recommendations that can work very well for you, for example:
- If you have very little space, you can place dirty clothes in deep cotton bags that can be hung on the wall to save space and classify black, white and colored clothes in a simple and practical way.
- As for the washing machine, you will need to find a place that is comfortable for you, because you will have to use it many times during the week, so it is best to give it the main space. You can leave it in sight or cover it with a cupboard, so that the space seems larger or more open.
- And we arrive at the cleaning products, a section of the house that is usually messy and dislocated. There are side storage cabinets that can be installed in small spaces and that allow you to make the most of small spaces. They are specific storage products for small places and with individual dividers that can be the perfect place to store your cleaning products inside a cupboard, on the side of the washing machine, hanging on the wall, etc.
- A good idea is to separate your cleaning products by themes, that is, the cleaning products for the bathroom, kitchen products, furniture products, floor cleaners, window cleaners, etc. It is best to choose a place at medium or high height, to avoid accidents if there are children running around the house.
- Considering that we are talking about a small space, storage boxes or bags will be your best allies. We recommend that you also use them to classify rags, dishcloths, scouring pads, clothespins, detergents, fabric softeners, etc. It will be the best way to ensure that everything has its place and that you find everything at first glance, without having to get lost in a junk drawer.
If you have everything well organized, your laundry room will become a pleasant and much more productive space.