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What cleaning products are best for a restaurant?

Unlike other sectors, catering requires special cleaning products and utensils, taking into account that these are places that come into contact with food.

The sale of cleaning products for companies In this sector, you must use products that are specifically designed for food hygiene. Disinfectants and degreasers that can be used regularly to thoroughly clean utensils and surfaces that come into contact with food, in order to prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, to avoid any type of contamination.

The sale of cleaning products for companies What we do at Dermo for food hygiene is based on disinfectants and degreasers:

In food hygiene, disinfection and sanitation are essential. The former refers to the elimination or inactivation of fungi and bacteria, while the latter is concerned with reducing the presence of microorganisms relevant to public health, without affecting the quality or safety of food products.

To achieve true disinfection and sanitation in the food sector, efficient and concentrated chemical products must be used, specifically designed for food hygiene, i.e., which are authorized for use in the food industry.

The sanitizing process should begin when the surface is free of organic matter and detergent residues, starting by rinsing the surface, cleaning it and rinsing again. Disinfection then begins and ends, again, with rinsing so that the area is truly clean and free of product residues.

Alkaline detergents, on the other hand, very efficiently remove traces of grease and proteins, and acidic cleaners, on the other hand, more effectively remove traces with a mineral base. At Dermo we carry out a sale specialized of cleaning products for companies, where you can find specific disinfectants for food hygiene.

What are the most commonly used substances in food hygiene and disinfection processes?

  • Hypochlorites; Sodium hypochlorite is one of the most common compounds and is a very powerful disinfectant, as well as a strong oxidant. They kill microbes completely, because they damage the outer membrane of cells, by producing a loss of permeability control, inhibit cellular enzymes and destroy their DNA. During routine use of this type of product, the surfaces to be disinfected must be free of organic materials and the pH must be between 5 and 7.
  • Peracetic acid is another of the most effective food disinfectants against microorganisms and their spores, which uses the interruption of chemical bonds within the cell membrane to make disinfection effective. They are disinfectants that work well in cold environments and are more environmentally friendly than other types of disinfectants, because they break down into acetic acid, oxygen and water.
  • Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are biocidal active substances widely used in the food industry for the sanitation of surfaces and facilities. They act on the microbial cell wall and block the absorption of nutrients in the microbial cell, thus preventing the discharge of waste.

Safe and stable disinfectants

At Dermo, as specialists in the sale of cleaning products for companies, we have a line of disinfectants that have HA (Food Hygiene) registration. They are bactericides and fungicides with special registration for food hygiene that have been tested and are very effective on dirty surfaces. They differ from traditional disinfectants because they clean and disinfect in a single operation and do their job quickly, effectively and stably with a very short contact time, providing deep disinfection of surfaces and utensils that are in contact with food.