If you are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to the products you use frequently, such as cleaning products, it is best to trust those that have a seal or certificate, to ensure that you are not buying a pig in a poke. industrial detergent factory We want to offer you ideas to help you achieve this and also help you to know how to detect which types of products are ecological and which are not.
Distinctive stamps
In order to be able to say that a product is ecological, organic or biological, it must have a certification that confirms it, because if not, the only thing you will be buying is a product that is not ecological and you will pay the price as if it were, without obtaining any of its benefits. You must carefully read the labels and check that they have that seal or certificate that provides that real guarantee.
Organic products from the European Union bear the EU logo, a leaf outlined with green stars, which must be used on organic foods made in Spain and also on those imported. Products that do not come from the EU must bear the indication Non-EU Agriculture.
Ecolabel; Non-food products can also be organic, so they must bear the corresponding seal. The Ecolabel is the drawing of a flower with European blue stars that appears on the packaging of all those items (cleaning products, DIY, computers, gardening, stationery...) In our industrial detergent factory You can find a line of ecological cleaning products called Naturgreen, which have been awarded the European eco-label. This seal guarantees that it is a product that has a sustainable production process throughout its life cycle and that takes into account environmental protection, without sacrificing great effectiveness and safety in its use.
Certified organic products help reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, use recycled materials, provide greater biodegradability to products, extend their useful life, reduce waste production, etc.
In addition to taking into account the seal or certificate, to know if it is an organic product, you should not be fooled by its design or packaging. Many times we tend to think that the packaging evokes a natural and organic product, but sometimes it is just that, the packaging. As industrial detergent factory We recommend that you read the label carefully and check it for yourself.
In Dermo, as industrial detergent factoryWe can guarantee that our Naturgreen line of cleaning products is truly ecological and comes with all the guarantees. They are perfect detergents for the whole family that you can use to have a healthier life and take care of the planet.