When we have to do the laundry The use of detergent is really important, because it is what will make our clothes really clean and fresh and, together with the fabric softener, will improve the texture and good condition of all our clothes and fabrics.
Self-service laundries
Self-service laundries have become a business with a lot of potential, because many people decide not to buy a washing machine and can use these facilities whenever they need to wash their clothes. Because they know that they can do the laundry quickly and their clothes will come out perfect. This is achieved thanks to the use of professional detergents, which are usually used in liquid form and provide softness, deep cleaning, removal of stains and dirt and protection to all the fabrics with which they come into contact.
These types of laundries manage to obtain good results because they rely on industrial washing machines and dryers which, together with powerful detergents and fabric softeners, manage to offer a well-rounded and very satisfactory service for those users who always do the laundry when they need to wash their clothes and who do not have their own washing machine, since they can put much more clothing in these industrial washing machines and make the laundry much more productive and also sustainable, because they do not need to do so many washes.
Bet on professional detergents
The importance of good detergents in a self-service laundry is even greater, because people who use this service are looking for a fast, powerful and efficient way to have their laundry clean and cared for and this is achieved by using high quality products, with high concentration power, such as those you can find in our industrial detergent factory.
In our industrial detergent factory You can find an endless number of detergents to do your laundry and even detergents for the industrial sector, the automotive industry, hospitality, hotels, residences...
We are one industrial detergent factory where you can find options for all needs, from multipurpose detergents to specific detergents, depending on the type of need. At Dermo we fully adapt to the needs of each of our clients.
To do your laundry, you have professional detergents available, as well as fabric softeners, to protect your clothes and fabrics and get the best care to keep them soft, clean, stain-free and with their original colour over the years, thanks to the high concentration power they have, the active ingredients and the experience of our team, which has been making this type of products for more than 30 years, in a careful and professional manner.
Dermo is a industrial detergent factory which has always been committed to top quality products and also to human value and family, with which we have made the birth of our company possible and we have been learning and evolving, always taking into account the demands and requirements of the market at all times.