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Cleaning in the food industry

Welcome one more day to the Dermo blog, your factory specialized in the manufacture of all types of cleaning and disinfection products. industrial detergentsIn today's new entry we will talk about the detergents which are necessary to clean and disinfect in such important sectors as the industry food.

In our country, the industry The food industry is one of the most productive sectors, as we have a large number of meat, bakery, dairy and pasta companies, among many others. In order for these companies to be able to sell their products, they must comply with a series of requirements, including hygiene. In a company that handles food, there is nothing more necessary than having the necessary equipment. detergents industrial suitable for every cleaning task.

In addition to using the best industrial detergents It is necessary that the tools used to clean all the machinery and areas of the factory are also in perfect condition, since otherwise the basic hygiene requirements would not be met.

Types of cleaning products

Among the different types of industrial detergents For food, we can find some like a detergent Chlorinated alkaline, this product has a great wetting and emulsifying power to clean organic residues from heat exchangers, it is normally used in the dairy, brewing and any part of the sectors industry food.

On the other hand, an acid cleaner is perfect for treating limescale deposits in the industry food, wine, dairy and fruit and vegetable industries. As a general rule, this type of industrial detergent It is often used to clean all types of autoclaves, boilers, cold rooms and tanks. In this way, the company ensures that all areas and parts of its factory are clean thanks to a specific and highly effective product.

When it comes to cleaning the machinery, as is normal, there are also some detergents industrial specific. We must take into account that the machinery is the part of the factory that is most in contact with food, so its cleaning must be one of the fundamental parts of all the cleaning and organization tasks of the company. Depending on the area and the type of machine, we also find detergents very different.

As for the floor and walls of the factory, they must be thoroughly cleaned with specific cleaners, since, although they are not in direct contact with the food, they cannot store any type of residue or dust that could be introduced during food processing.

Finally, it should be noted that the personal hygiene of employees must be regulated in order to ensure that the products sold in that company comply with the corresponding hygienic conditions.