As detergent factory We are interested in everything that has to do with our products and their history, so today we wanted to take a historical tour, to learn about the way in which clothes and fabrics were washed in the past, before the washing machine was invented.
In ancient times, women washed their “cloths” in the river, using stones to remove the dirt. But little by little we evolved, until we found improved and more effective ways of doing laundry.
The evolution of casting
As detergent factory We want to talk to you about how the way we do laundry has evolved over all these years.
Those who could afford it hired washerwomen or sent their clothes to be washed outside the house. In fact, this is how the guild of washerwomen emerged. These women were physically strong and were the queens of the public laundries. The laundries had running water, as they were located next to water channels, which was channelled through large pipes and then heated in bonfires. The women then wrung out the laundry with the help of their own hands, using soap that they made naturally, from animal fat, boiled with lye. They rubbed this soap over the clothes on a board and washed the garment well before wringing it out and hanging it on the communal clotheslines.
But how detergent factory We can tell you that this was evolving and changing, especially at the end of the 18th century, when people could change their clothes more often, thanks to the cheaper price of fabric with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, which made laundry take on a more important role.
In the 19th century, the most luxurious laundries were private, with stone floors, brick basins and a channel for drainage. The laundry was already done in wooden tubs, with taps and hot and cold water. They began to separate clothes by colour and type of fabric and to pre-scrub the most difficult stains before soaking them in warm water and soda.
In 1779, the wringer was invented, designed by George Jee, and the clothes were passed between two rollers operated by a crank. In this way, excess water was quickly removed and the fabrics dried much more quickly. Later, iron plates were used, which were heated on a fire, tubs and other utensils for washing, which were mainly made of wood. But later they began to be made of zinc, iron or glass.
In 1961, the first version of the washing machine appeared, called a washing machine, which had a barrel with paddles inside that could be filled with clothes and worked with a crank that turned the paddles. However, they were easily damaged and destroyed some items of clothing. In 1906, the first electric washing machines appeared, but the combination of water and electricity made them dangerous at first. In 1960, the first patent for a washing machine was registered in England and in 1966, the first automatic washing machine arrived in Spain, thanks to the Spanish brand Balay.
As detergent factory We continue to evolve the task of doing laundry, proposing specific products with a high concentrated power, to remove all types of stains with total ease.