To know what products you have, what they are for and to be clearer about which ones you should throw away and which ones you really need for cleaning your home, it is really essential to have them well organized.
The first thing you should do is find a corner where you can have them all together, which is usually near the kitchen, under the sink or in a closet in the laundry room, for example. But you can put them wherever it is convenient and where it represents a practical and comfortable place for you. In this corner of the house, in addition to storing the cleaning products You should also put away cleaning utensils such as a mop and bucket, a broom and dustpan, an iron and ironing board, a vacuum cleaner, etc.
This way, you won't have everything spread out across different closets in the house, but rather all of them products and utensils related to the cleaning will be in one place.
Keep the products you use
All those cleaning products You can throw away items that you don't use anymore, because they take up space and waste your time. Stop accumulating products that will end up expiring and that you will not use and fill that space with those that are really useful and comfortable for your home. The laundry room is a suitable space to put your things in order. cleaning products, since you can also take advantage of having the washing machine and dirty clothes nearby in the same location and thus kill two birds with one stone.
And if you have enough space, you can also choose to store all your household linens in another drawer or closet, that is, towels, sheets, tablecloths, rags and also toilet paper rolls, for example.
Tidy up your cleaning corner
Organizers and dividers can be a great help to store your items. cleaning products, for example by theme, by space, by size or by those you want to finish first. In addition, if you complement the organizers with side hooks that you can attach to the inside of the closet doors, you can gain extra storage.
If you tidy up your cleaning corner, in addition to gaining space and creating a more efficient work environment, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to organize them in a way that minimizes risks and dangers. By this we mean putting all the most toxic products on the top or highest part, in case we have little ones at home, so that they are not within reach of their hands.
At Dermo you can find an endless number of cleaning products, for all types of situations and surfaces. Check out our catalogue and find out about all our specific products, as well as our line of Naturgreen ecological detergents.