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Hydroalcoholic hand gel, a must-have in your bag forever

The arrival of the coronavirus and the confinement of the population has made many of us change our view of many things, but especially of personal hygiene.

Before, we could come and go without taking anything else into account and even wash our hands only when we were going to eat or after going to the bathroom, thinking that we were already clean and that we didn't need anything else. But after this global pandemic, many of us have valued everything we have and everything we would need if this were to happen again and one of them is, without a doubt, the hydroalcoholic gel.

He hydroalcoholic gel Hand sanitizer has gone from being a product designed for the most scrupulous people or health professionals to a key element that will surely be installed in the homes and bags of many people forever. It is an element that allows us to effectively remove bacteria from our hands whenever we need to, not only before or after being at home, but it can also be useful at a time when we notice our hands are dirty or we want to remove any dirt that may have accumulated. In addition to the hydroalcoholic gel, when this period is over, there will be many families who have enough masks in their homes or latex gloves, to be well prepared in case all this were to happen again.

Cleansing and Hydration

Considering that from now on we are going to use the hydroalcoholic gel For hands, it is also important to increase the amount of hydration. It is best to always carry cosmetic gel and a moisturizing cream with you, to keep your hands hydrated and prevent them from drying out or becoming irritated. This will be the magic formula to keep your hands completely clean and well cared for and to effectively prevent any type of virus from settling there, be it the coronavirus or any other virus that may be floating around in the air.

Personal hygiene measures to avoid contagion

Another personal measure that we can take into account is to wash our hands with soap more frequently than we used to do, for example, when we come home from work after spending the whole day touching the car, a keyboard and mouse, money or any type of object.

We should also be more careful not to touch our face when our hands are dirty, wash our hands before and after eating, ventilate our house more, change sheets and towels more frequently, clean the house with professional products and disinfectants, etc.

At Dermo you can find all the professional cleaning and personal hygiene products you need to have the best weapon to fight viruses.