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Front page » Take care of the environment while cleaning your clothes

Take care of the environment while cleaning your clothes

If you want to opt for a more sustainable way of cleaning your clothes, it is best to use ecological products. At Dermo, as detergent factoryWe have a line of ecological products designed to care for the environment and the sustainability of the planet, called Naturgreen. These are products that have been awarded the European eco-label, which assesses the environmental effects of any product throughout its life cycle. It is only awarded to those products that truly guarantee a high level of environmental protection, without compromising their effectiveness and safety of use.

Advantages of using eco-friendly cleaning products

Using eco-friendly detergents when cleaning your home will allow you to take care of the environment and your own health, because you will be able to avoid sulphates, perfumes, surfactants, phosphates, bleaching substances, enzymes, etc. In short, many types of toxins that damage your health over time.

Ecological cleaning products, such as those we offer you in the detergent factory Dermo will help you improve your quality of life without having to spend much more money than you do now. All you need to do is read the composition of the products carefully and make sure that they have a seal certifying that they are, indeed, organic products.

Certified organic products

As ecological products, at Dermo we have three types of detergents: Naturgreen Degreaser, Naturgreen Handishwasher and Naturgreen Multipurpose. The first is a liquid degreaser that is used to clean kitchen utensils and furniture, floors, appliances, bathrooms, barbecues, bicycles, blinds and stubborn stains on textiles. For its part, Naturgreen Handishwasher is a liquid detergent for hand washing dishes, glassware, cookware, cutlery, etc. And finally, Naturgreen Multipurpose, a multipurpose cleaning detergent for cleaning enamelled, lacquered, synthetic, ceramic surfaces, sanitary ware, sinks, taps, Formica furniture, marble, etc.

In Dermo, detergent factory, you will find a wide and varied catalogue of specific products for cleaning and hygiene both at a private and industrial level. From products for cleaning bathrooms, industry and the automotive industry to specific products for food hygiene. As detergent factory With more than 30 years of experience, we can offer you top-quality products, with a high concentrated power and designed to take care of your clothes and fabrics, also thinking about the health of the planet.