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Tips for cleaning your car

Welcome to another entry to the blog of Dermo SA, company and factory specialized in the production of detergents of all kinds, including, detergents for the car body. Precisely, today we want to address the issue of cleaning of our vehicles, and it is that many times we leave aside our cars, when they are the ones who please us throughout the day with their wonderful utility to move from here to there. For this reason, in this post we want to dedicate a small space to them and offer you some tips to keep in mind when cleaning your car. Ideas that sometimes seem very silly and that everyone should be clear about, but in the end, that is not the case.

  1. For example, let's start with a warning. Never use abrasive materials to clean the car. Buy sponges specific for washing painted surfaces or you will hurt the bodywork of your car with scratches that could have been avoided.
  2. He car, to prevent it from being impregnated with stains from those detergents and specialized soaps for the bodyworkIt is best to wash it in a shaded area, since if we do not rinse it quickly enough, the soap can also burn into the paint. This also happens when we use products that are not specific for the use we are going to give them.
  3. If we clean the car with a hose, always keep the nozzle wide open. This will help us reduce the amount of water that we use, as well as to better control the pressure of the water that comes out.
  4. The area of greatest wear and tear, when it comes to clean the car, are the wheels. It is the most difficult part to wash, since it is also usually the dirtiest part, and logically, after carefully cleaning the carThe desire to finish will make us dedicate the minimum effort, when they require the opposite, to be the first.
  5. When cleaning the car, you should always start from the top and go down.
  6. Never use dishwashing detergent. There are detergents specialized for car body, like the ones you can find in our factory detergents, appropriate and specific to their function. If you do not do so, any professional in the bodywork will tell you that this type of dish soap can damage the paint in the long run.
  7. If you don't want any stains to remain on your car, you should always dry it, and it's better if you use a chamois cloth for this..
  8. There are people who dedicate themselves to writing words in the bodywork of cars strangers to remind you to clean it or simply leave a message on it. It's never a good idea. All those little dirt particles scratch the paint when that happens.

car cleaning cleaning products


As you can see, there are thousands of common practices and mistakes that we make that we must watch out for if we do not want to mistreat our car. From Dermo SA, Once again we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of professionals and specialized products when carrying out the task, such as using the specific body detergents, and keep in mind all these tips and warnings to alleviate the incidence of all of them. See you in the next entry of our blog. See you soon.