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What are industrial degreasers and their uses?

Welcome one more day to the Dermo blog, your trusted company specialized in the manufacture of all types of cleaning products, as well as ecological detergents and degreasersIn today's new entry we will talk mainly about the degreasers industrial, we will learn what they are and what their uses are.

The degreasers These are products that are normally made up of acidic, neutral or alkaline substances, which allow both oils and greases to be removed completely and from any type of surface. degreasers They can be formed by natural or artificial substances and their main function is to remove oils and fats through a chemical reaction, which depending on the type of formulation will act in two different ways:

  • Degreaser formulated in solvent base: the action that this type of will perform degreaser It will be through the dissolution of oils and fats thanks to the chemical action of the solvent.
  • Degreaser formed on a water base: the action that this has degreaser on oils and fats will be carried out through emulsion processes. In this way, the molecules of degreaser They will act on the oil molecules, detaching them from the surface and eliminating adhesion.

Uses of degreasers

There are two different types of degreasers, domestic and the industrial. Depending on the type of stain we want to remove, it will be necessary to use one type or another. As a general rule, degreasers industrial They are much more aggressive and effective at the same time, this is because the dirt that exists in the industries It becomes much more embedded than the one we may have in our home.

  • Degreaser domestic: this type of degreaser It is specifically designed to be used in homes, whether for a home or for offices or businesses. The capacity degreaser The strength of these products is moderate, as the stains to be removed are also moderate. These types of products are not very aggressive since the oil or grease that we may find is not so embedded, and furthermore, a stronger product would damage the surfaces.
  • Degreaser industrial: This type of product is specially designed to remove the most stubborn dirt from all types of surfaces. The cleaning capacity of these products is degreasers It is much greater than that of any other, since it must remove very difficult to remove oil and grease stains and very strong products. We must bear in mind that they are only used in the sector industrial.

Once we know the uses of the degreasers, we can know when it is necessary to use one type or another to remove any type of stain.