Welcome one more day to the Dermo blog, your company specialized in the manufacture and sale of all types of detergents and cleaning productsIn today's new entry we will talk about when we should use each cleaning product.
There is a wide variety of products on the market. cleaning products, and although they are all very effective, the truth is that each one has a totally different purpose, so it is important to know it and use each one. cleaning product wherever convenient.
Below we will explain what the properties and uses of the main ones are. products of cleaning that exist on the market:
- Degreaser: This cleaning product It is specifically designed to completely remove grease from various surfaces. It can be used to clean walls, doors, electrical switches, food residue from the countertop, and much more. Normally this type of cleaner is used to clean the grease from various surfaces. cleaning product It usually leaves a matte finish. If we wipe a dry cloth over the surface of the object we are cleaning, we will give it a much brighter finish.
- Descaling: the cleaning products Descaling agents, as their name suggests, are used to remove the incrustations that can form in a place that is very exposed to dirt and is cleaned a few times a year. This product of cleaning It can be used on all types of surfaces, tools and utensils that have stains that are very difficult to remove.
- Disinfectants: the cleaning products Disinfectants are usually used in hospitals or clinics that need to have all utensils and tools sterilized in order to avoid spreading some type of infection or disease. Normally, in homes it is not necessary to use this type of disinfectant. cleaning product, since some that we already use for the bathroom or kitchen are also disinfectants.
- Glass cleaner: this cleaning product It is usually used, in addition to glass, to clean other surfaces, this is because it is specially designed to, once dry, not leave marks. In this way, we can use this product of cleaning on mirrors, glass, sinks, appliances, refrigerator shelves, cupboard doors, etc.
- Multipurpose: Although there are many products specific for each type of cleaning, the truth is that there are also cleaners designed to be used on different surfaces, although they are not as effective, the truth is that they perfectly fulfill the function of cleaning and disinfecting the area.
- Degreaser: This cleaning product It is specifically designed to completely remove grease from various surfaces. It can be used to clean walls, doors, electrical switches, food residue from the countertop, and much more. Normally this type of cleaner is used to clean the grease from various surfaces. cleaning product It usually leaves a matte finish. If we wipe a dry cloth over the surface of the object we are cleaning, we will give it a much brighter finish.
Now that we know what use we should give to each one cleaning product, we will be able to use them better and perform a much more effective and long-lasting cleaning.